During the night of September 27th, a South Shore Freight Train derailed at Milepost 46.5 in Burns Harbor, Indiana. The three locomotives of the freight train, which were pulling 120+ cars, were derailed from the track.
The next morning Meade was requested to provide assistance in the clean-up and freight service restoration efforts. Our crews arrived onsite, ready to work with all of the necessary equipment and tools.
Once the crews attended their safety briefings a walk down was conducted to formulate a plan which incorporated safely removing a 3,000 lb. catenary beam which was laying on top of the lead locomotive. In addition, the 2400V signal power wire, ADSS fiber optic cable, down guys, and broken poles needed to be relocated and cleared to allow access for the cranes to upright the locomotives. Meade crews worked safely and were organized while conducting the work. Chris Broton, Vice President of Meade’s Industrial division stated, “I was very proud of the Meade team and the work they safely accomplished under difficult conditions.”